Please visit Harmony Lodge Website and FaceBook
Located in Princeton, New Jersey, Harmony Lodge #1760 belongs to the American Federation of the International Order of Freemasonry for Men and Women, Le Droit Humain.
Although the French expression “Le Droit Humain” is difficult to translate into English, one could say that it refers to Natural Law and justice in human life, as distinct from laws that human beings create.
The selected name “Harmony” (from the Greek harmonia: meaning joining, agreement, concord) is intended to underline the potential in each human being for harmony and beauty. Therefore, Harmony Lodge joins its members together in working for personal and social harmony, concord and peace.
Freemasonry provides a means by which its members, through the study of Masonic symbolism, allegories and traditions, may seek truth, promote brotherhood and work in the service of humanity.
Our Lodge meets on the 1st Sunday of the month.
Although the French expression “Le Droit Humain” is difficult to translate into English, one could say that it refers to Natural Law and justice in human life, as distinct from laws that human beings create.
The selected name “Harmony” (from the Greek harmonia: meaning joining, agreement, concord) is intended to underline the potential in each human being for harmony and beauty. Therefore, Harmony Lodge joins its members together in working for personal and social harmony, concord and peace.
Freemasonry provides a means by which its members, through the study of Masonic symbolism, allegories and traditions, may seek truth, promote brotherhood and work in the service of humanity.
Our Lodge meets on the 1st Sunday of the month.
If you want more information about Harmony Lodge or to apply for membership, please contact us through the Membership page.