Freemasonry is a peculiar (particular) system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols.
It provides a means by which its members, through the study of Masonic symbolism, allegories and traditions, may seek truth,
promote brotherhood and work in the service of humanity.
Members learn its precepts through a series of ritual dramas, which follow ancient Masonic forms
and use stonemasons’ tools and customs as symbolic guides.
promote brotherhood and work in the service of humanity.
Members learn its precepts through a series of ritual dramas, which follow ancient Masonic forms
and use stonemasons’ tools and customs as symbolic guides.
Freemasonry is not a religion.
True to the principle of independence from all religious institutions and respectful of the right to absolute freedom of conscience of all,
our Order professes no dogma and rejects dogmatism. Its purpose is the search for Truth.
our Order professes no dogma and rejects dogmatism. Its purpose is the search for Truth.
Learn about our Founding Principles, which essentially are those of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Masonic Lodges and Meetings
A lodge is the basic organizational unit of Freemasonry.
Le Droit Humain lodges meet regularly to conduct lodge business and work the degrees of the Scottish Rite and some York Rite degrees,
to aid the personal development of its members. Lodge officers are elected annually by the members.
Participation in lodge offers an initiatory pathway that is free from dogma and encourages exploration
of human consciousness by which members improve themselves in order to serve humanity.
Meetings may include ceremonies, lectures, discussions and presentation of original research by lodge members.
Le Droit Humain lodges meet regularly to conduct lodge business and work the degrees of the Scottish Rite and some York Rite degrees,
to aid the personal development of its members. Lodge officers are elected annually by the members.
Participation in lodge offers an initiatory pathway that is free from dogma and encourages exploration
of human consciousness by which members improve themselves in order to serve humanity.
Meetings may include ceremonies, lectures, discussions and presentation of original research by lodge members.
Is Freemasonry a secret society?
It is not a secret society but it is a society with secrets that are based on personal experiences gained through the ceremonies. Freemasonry directs us inward to the goal of attaining self-knowledge and the realization that the true secrets of Freemasonry are to be found within ourselves.
The really great and moving experiences of life are ones we cannot put into words or tell another about. But if two persons have had similar deeply moving experiences, they can communicate about them indirectly through symbols, which are secrets to anyone who has not shared the experience. Masonic secrets are of those deeply moving experiences that Freemasonry provides. They are the outer visible signs of an inner, invisible reality. |
Is Freemasonry occult or esoteric?Freemasonry is certainly not “occult” in the popular meaning of that term referring to fortune telling, psychic powers, satanism, the supernatural, and so on. The original meaning of the word was “hidden” or “secret,” just as the literal meaning of “esoteric” is "for the initiated".
Therefore, Freemasonry is esoteric: it is a beautiful and unique system illustrated by symbols, which are learned once one becomes a Freemason. Our goal is expanding our consciousness and the understanding of life to improve ourselves and help others. |
What is the difference between Le Droit Humain and the Eastern Star?
The Eastern Star is an adjunct organization to exclusively masculine Freemasonry. It is intended primarily for the wives and daughters of Freemasons, but a masculine Mason must be in attendance. It has its own ceremonies but they are not initiated. Their ceremonies are completely different from the traditional Masonic rites and practices that Freemasonry and Le Droit Humain follow.
Can a person be a member of both the masculine Freemasons and Le Droit Humain?Le Droit Humain respects the masculine Orders and admits as a visitor any member who can prove himself. Le Droit Humain will also admit him, as an affiliated member, if he meets the requirements of application.
American Grand Lodges and Prince Hall, however, in general do not permit their members to join or participate in a Masonic body that admits women. |
What is Co-Freemasonry?
Freemasonry with both men and women is sometimes referred to as Co-Freemasonry or Co-Masonry. "Co" refers to men and women working together, not merely side by side, but jointly and mutually assisting one another.