Per Our International Constitution
The International Order of Freemasonry for Men and Women, Le Droit Humain (referred to as the Order) is composed of men and women Freemasons, fraternally united without distinction of social or ethnic origins, philosophical opinion or religion, and working together toward the progress and perfecting of humanity.
Read Articles from our International Constitution
The ultimate aim of our OrderThe ultimate aim of our Order is to offer a Masonic method of self-improvement to serve humanity. This directs us inward to the goal of attaining self-knowledge and the realization that the true secrets of Freemasonry are to be found within ourselves. Human compassion and human kindness form the most important part of the perfection we strive for, and this is the awareness that all humanity is one family and the goal is to unite this family through its diversity.
Love of humanity motivates us to work for social justice by overcoming ignorance, intolerance, racism, oppression and violence. We do this not with force but with wisdom, knowledge, understanding, acceptance, kindness, and compassion. The difference between Le Droit Humain and other Orders of FreemasonryLe Droit Humain is open to men and women alike and does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, belief or non-belief in God, gender expression or social group. Most Masonic groups admit only men; some admit only women; Le Droit Humain admits both. In addition, Le Droit Humain is international, with its governing body in Paris, France and lodges in more than sixty countries around the world.
The Order professes no dogma and rejects dogmatismIts purpose is the search for Truth. Therefore, in lodges, discussions about political or religious questions cannot, under any circumstances, have any other purpose than that of enlightening members, making it possible for them, through a fuller understanding, to fulfill their duties as Freemasons.
The meaning of "Le Droit Humain"Loosely translated it means “human rights”. It denotes the rights and responsibilities that every person is born with, as cited in the American Declaration of Independence: that all people are created equal, that they are endowed with certain inalienable human rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.